Download & install Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a fast web browser bachelor at no charge. Before y'all download, yous can bank check if Chrome supports your operating system and y'all have all the other organisation requirements.

Install Chrome on Windows

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. If prompted, click Run or Salve.
    • If you choose Save, to kickoff installation, either:
      • Double-click the download.
      • Click Open file.
  3. If y'all're asked, "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device," click Yes.
  4. Start Chrome:
    • Windows 7: A Chrome window opens in one case everything is done.
    • Windows 8 & A welcome dialog appears. Click Next to select your default browser.
    • Windows 10 & 11: A Chrome window opens after everything is done. Yous can brand Chrome your default browser.

If you've used a different browser, like Internet Explorer or Safari, you can import your settings into Chrome.

Can't install Chrome because of S way

If yous can't install Chrome on your Windows figurer, your reckoner might be in Southward mode. If you want to download and install Chrome, acquire more about how to go out S style. Y'all tin too learn how to fix bug installing Chrome.

Install Chrome offline

If you're having problems downloading Chrome on your Windows computer, you can try the alternate link below to download Chrome on a unlike computer.

  1. On a computer connected to the Internet, download the alternating Chrome installer.
  2. Move the file to the computer where you lot desire to install Chrome.
  3. Open the file, and follow the onscreen instructions to install.

If yous land on the regular download page, that'due south normal. Fifty-fifty though the installers expect similar, a special tag tells us which one is best for you.

In one case you download the file, you lot can send it to another reckoner.

Install Chrome on Mac

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. Open up the file called "googlechrome.dmg."
  3. In the window that opens, find Chrome Chrome.
  4. Elevate Chrome to the Applications folder.
    • You might exist asked to enter the admin password.
    • If you don't know the admin password, elevate Chrome to a place on your figurer where you lot can brand edits, similar your desktop.
  5. Open up Chrome.
  6. Open up Finder.
  7. In the sidebar, to the right of Google Chrome, click Eject Eject.

Bank check your Mac configuration

Y'all tin choose the correct version of Chrome to download based on your Mac processor.

To check which version of Chrome to install:

  1. On your Mac, select the Apple icon.
  2. Select About this Mac.
  3. In the "Overview" tab, side by side to "Processor" or "Fleck", bank check if it says "Intel" or "Apple".

When downloading the Chrome installation file, select the pick that matches your device.

Install Chrome on Linux

Apply the aforementioned software that installs programs on your computer to install Chrome. You lot'll be asked to enter the administrator account password.

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. To open up the package, click OK.
  3. Click Install Package.

Google Chrome will be added to your software manager and then it stays up-to-appointment.

Gear up issues with Chrome on Wayland

Chrome on Linux at present supports Wayland forth with X11. When Chrome opens on Linux, ane of these display server protocols is automatically chosen.

How Chrome interacts with a display server protocol

  • Chrome interacts with a brandish server protocol to help you perform certain types of deportment. If yous have trouble with these types of deportment in Wayland you can change back to X11:
    • Drag-and-drop
    • Copy and paste
    • Keyboard, mouse, or touch input.
  • Wayland restricts Chrome's ability to perform certain deportment such equally:
    • Tab dragging volition use simplified preview thumbnails
    • Windows can't be placed at a set location on the screen.

How to override the Chrome automated display server protocol option

From your browser:

  1. Navigate to chrome://flags
  2. Gear up #ozone-platform-hint to X11 or Wayland

From the command line:

  1. Navigate to the command line
  2. Launch Chrome:
    • For X11: --ozone-platform=x11
    • For Wayland: --ozone-platform=wayland

System requirements to use Chrome


To employ Chrome on Windows, you lot'll need:

  • Windows vii, Windows 8, Windows, Windows 10 or later
  • An Intel Pentium iv processor or later that'southward SSE3 capable


To use Chrome on Mac, you lot'll demand:

  • OS 10 El Capitan x.eleven or later


To use Chrome on Linux, you'll need:

  • 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian eight+, openSUSE thirteen.3+, or Fedora Linux 24+
  • An Intel Pentium 4 processor or afterward that's SSE3 capable

Fix problems with Chrome

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